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SASPCN Doctors & Nurse Practitioners
If not listed, your family physician or nurse practitioner may be a member of another PCN. To find a family doctor or nurse practitioner outside of the SASPCN, please visit
Accepting Patients
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Aimen Fateis
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Leon Lefebvre
Dr. Allan McDonald
Dr. Nidaa Shukri Al Alous
Dr. Danel Ungerer
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Babfemi Adeosun
Dr. Alfred Durojaye
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Robert Hauptman
Nurse Practitioners at this clinic:
Michelle Waldron
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Raymond Asongwe
Dr. Ifedotun Olatunji
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Karl Ayton
Dr. Leanne Baumgartner
Dr. Arno Brocken
Dr. Ken Chow
Dr. Peter Chung
Dr. Ashan Fernando
Dr. Gerard Haines
Dr. Jon Hilner
Dr. Darryl LaBuick
Dr. John Lee
Dr. Chuck Strytveen
Dr. Rene Wong
Dr. Darcy Zalasky
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Aimen Fateis
Nurse Practitioners at this clinic:
Kayla Cheung
Lincoln Taylor
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Sana Eljorani
Dr. Saif Hamdi
Nurse Practitioners at this clinic:
Kaylee Marshak
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Branda D'Souza Singh
Dr. Rezvan Ghiassi-Razavi
Dr. Jacqueline Holm Jhass
Dr. Shameem Shaker
Dr. Vajdiyeh Shaker
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Nabil Al-Kayssi
Dr. Islam Elawadly
Dr. Ngozika Mbonu
Dr. Gonasagran Munsamy
Dr. Samita Pandey
Dr. Sivaprakash Rajoo
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Jacqueline Kassam
Dr. Juliana Rey-Parra
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Alfred Durojaye
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Meghna Juta
Dr. Elmer Roque
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Judit Pungur
Dr. Elizabeth Pungur-Farrell
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Louai Abuhamed
Dr. Kusai Abuhamed
Dr. Moutazbellah Raoubi
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Moheddin Ahmed
Dr. Akrem Alatrash
Dr. Hisham Ibrahim
Dr. Mohammed Jomha
Dr. Hammzah Jomha
Dr. Mahmud Salem
Unit 196 St. Albert Centre 375 St. Albert Trail, St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 3K8
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Jennifer Stickney-Lee
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Angeline DeCicco
Dr. Shauna MacIver
Dr. Douglas MacIver
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Bailey Adams
Dr. Krista Bennett
Dr. Marie-Claude Bouchard
Dr. Abdul Chehimi
Dr. Karen Ching
Dr. Barbara Fischer
Dr. Celine Gannon
Dr. Alicia Mason
Dr. Marielle Pratt
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Hamza Alqaser
Dr. Anas Benmokhtar
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Jordan Bekkema
Dr. Lauren Eastman
Dr. Samantha Horvey
Dr. Ben Macedo
Dr. Peter Newnham
Dr. Robert Turner
Physicians at this clinic:
Dr. Pat Mateo-Rodriguez
Dr. Sanjay Taparia
Dr. Kellie Waters